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So far, there are 8 meetings we know about this month, April 12, 2017.  It's not too late !! - If you want to meet with 1-2 friends at your house this month and discuss one of our two topics, you will be adding your Energies to the whole. If you'd like to kick-start a group in your location, please write and I will add your contact below...

NEW ZEALAND, Hamilton. Bronwyn​
EIRE - Ireland, Dublin. Tim
SOUTH AFRICA - East London SA. Nomvula
HUNGARY - Terra Animam village. Ännie​ 
SCOTLAND - Galloway & Dumfries. Edith​
USA, California (Mt Shasta). Richard
CANADA, Nova Scotia (Cape Breton). Romana​
CANADA, Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) - Annapurna

SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina & Chile - Alicia​

(by Skype)

Nice job everybody! There were 3 groups that met in March, so we've added another 5 groups this month. For the month of May, let's add another 5-10 more groups.  #KDN  #WedCafe  


"Think globally. Connect locally."

Join the "International" Facebook group

Wednesday Cafes

Local meetings once a month. Following is the Hungary program...

We invite you to join with us all around the world for our regular monthly meetings. There is an alternative program of topics on the Nova Scotia website. Please feel free to adopt whichever topic feels right for your group at this time. The dates of these meetings for 2017 are:

January 11 - Ancestors, Family, Clan

February 8 - seed market, seed, nutrition, food

March 8 - Community and helpful structures to transition to the new earth

April 12 - Childrens day, How children live and grow (created by children)

May 10 - Wedding, Marriage and the relationship between man and woman

June 14 - The kin's domain as a living space, the hectare as living environment

July 12 - Building, Handcraft, Creativity

August 9 - Phenomen Anastasia

September 6 - Medicine, Alternatives, (Spiritual) Cure 

October 11 - Gratitude for Harvest, Celebrating the Earth 

November 8 - Transition/Initiation: Birth and Death

December 13 - Dark forces - self-determination vs. manipulation

Wednesday Cafes-Teas

Local meeting once a month. Following is the Nova Scotia Canada introduction...

The idea of the Kin's Domains "Wednesday Cafe" meetings was born in the Kin's Domain Village "Terra Animam" in Hungary and rapidly made it's way around the world. The purpose and intention behind these meetings is to live more in community. 

Every month, we dedicate ourselves to a selected topic that is of interest to us. Once a month, on a Wednesday afternoon, we meet for an open exchange on a changing subject. By doing a 60 second connection meditation at the beginning of each meeting, we join our energies around the world with other people in different countries who meet on these days discussing similar subjects as well.

In relaxed company, we are working together to create new perspectives, exchange experiences and empathize with knowledge that is important for communities who want to revive a joyful lifestyle on the basis of a space of love.

The knowledge of the ancient peoples as well as our ancestors knowledge about a natural independent way of life - a life connected with the living, becames hard to access for most of us due to our busy, unnatural lifestyle. We want to change that.

Let's re-connect to our natural, inherent knowledge while connecting with each other.  You are warmly invited to join us on Wednesday! 

Project - for the whole world​

Club terra animam  Published on Facebook January 5

by Verein Terra Animam

Translated into English by Google

Wednesday Café - Exchange and theme circles 2017

The idea of ​​the Wednesday café was born out of the wish to live more community. Every month, we dedicate ourselves to a selected topic that is of interest to us:


Once a month, on a Wednesday afternoon, we meet for an open exchange on a changing subject. In a cozy get-together, we want to work together to create new perspectives, exchange experiences and empathize with the knowledge that is important for communities that want to revive a joyful lifestyle on the basis of a space of love.

The family estate settlement grows out of the known, slowly becoming too narrow social models. The knowledge of the ancient peoples, the knowledge of our ancestors about a natural independent way of life, which is connected with the living, are no longer very present in us. We want to change that.


As we deal with the topics, we invite the knowledge necessary for a healthy society back to us and let the dormant knowledge rise again to the surface.


Anyone who would like to participate in these topics is invited to participate.

Projekte​ - für die ganze Welt

Verein terra animam  

Auf Facebook veröffentlicht  January 5

Mittwochs-Café – Austausch und Themenkreise 2017.

Aus dem Wunsch heraus mehr Gemeinschaft zu leben ist die Idee des Mittwochs-Cafés entstanden. In jedem Monat widmen wir uns einem ausgewählten Thema, welches für uns von Interesse ist:


Einmal im Monat - an einem Mittwoch Nachmittag - treffen wir uns zu einem offenen Austausch zu einem jeweils wechselnden vorgegebenen Thema. Bei einem gemütlichen Beisammensein wollen wir gemeinsam neue Sichtweisen erarbeiten, Erfahrungen austauschen und uns in das Wissen einfühlen, welches für Gemeinschaften wichtig ist, die auf der Basis eines Raumes der Liebe eine freudvolle Lebensweise wieder aufleben lassen wollen.

Die Familienlandsitzsiedlung wächst aus den bekannten, langsam zu eng werdenden Gesellschaftmodellen heraus. Das Wissen der alten Völker, das Wissen unserer Vorfahren über eine natürliche unabhängige aber mit dem Lebendigen verbundene Lebensweise sind in uns nicht mehr sehr präsent. Das wollen wir ändern.


Indem wir uns mit den Themen auseinandersetzen, laden wir das für eine gesunde Gesellschaft notwendige Wissen wieder zu uns ein und lassen das in uns schlummernde Wissen wieder an die Oberfläche steigen.

Jeder der an diesen Themen-Kreisen teilnehmen möchte ist herzlich dazu eingeladen.

Please adapt this plan to suit you and your group. Eg: Here in NZ for our first meeting ever, I had a "yummy lunch meeting" with a fellow Ringing Cedars reader tomorrow. Even though there were only two of us, we made a small but happy beginning.

If you are alone and have a "meeting" of one, please join your energies with everyone else in the world who is meeting. The time you meet on Wednesday is unimportant - either during the day or in the evening. Meet when it's convenient for your group. Please feel free to adjust your topic for the month to fit for your group of people.

Let's have fun with this. Please extend your "ray" out to other groups around the world who are meeting. Please remember each other in a small 60 second meditation at the start of your meeting. If you want to, you can add a prayer or an inspirational reading of some kind. Please do as it feels right for your group.

Report back. If you want to tell us about your meeting, add it here on Facebook and I will publish it on this website.

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