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"Anastasia Ringing Cedars" in Russian is:

Анастасия Звенящие Кедры

When you enter the Russian into YouTube search or Google search, for example, you retrieve many, many articles which you can then put through Google Translate.

What's happening in Russia... ??  

- The people are going back to their land.

The video below is in Russian language. However, we can still see the way of life the people are adopting as they return to their Motherlands. People are returning to their ancestral homelands in their hundreds every month, all across Russia. Soon there will be thousands every month and even tens of thousands due to the "Far Hectare" legislation of May 1, 2016 under which Russians have been gifted 1 hectare of land >> 


On the first day applications could be made for the 1 hectare in the Far East provinces of Russia, 400,000 applications were submitted. Many of these people won't realise yet that the legislation passed on May 1 follows point-by-point what Anastasia recommends in The Ringing Cedars books. Hopefully in due course, these millions of people will realise where this idea came from - from Anastasia the Siberian taiga recluse.

Published on Jul 10, 2015

This film is about some of the people who have decided to change their lifestyle. These people have proved that living in harmony with Nature, in their world - is not only possible, but necessary, despite all reversed convictions of people living in the technocratic world. The film shows the life, customs, holidays, culture, and inhabitants of the family estate in the settlement of "Glorious", which is located in the Tula region of Russia.

В этом фильме рассказывается о людях, которые одни из немногих решили изменить свой образ жизни. Эти люди доказали, что жить в гармонии с Природой, на своей Земле – не только возможно, но и нужно, вопреки всем обратным убеждениям людей, живущих в технократическом мире. В фильме показана жизнь, обычаи, праздники, культура жителей Родовых Поместий в поселении «Славное», что находится в Тульской области России.

There are currently 339 Homestead villages registered on the website - two more villages have been added over the last 4 months. It can be assumed that many villages have not registered on this website. We can assuredly say there is currently something like 30,000 individuals living in intentional Anastasia-inspired lifestyle villages on their family estates in Russia. The actual figure for individuals might be somewhere as high as 100,000 individuals. Communitites of people act autonomously and their is no directive for them to register their properties on at all, only if they want to. All of this activity is very new... The first Homestead villages only appeared in 2001-2002.


It could be predicted that with Russian President Putin's fairly recent expulsion of such companies as Monsanto out of Russia, his declaration to have no GMO products in Russia, and for all food production in Russia in the immediate future to all be totally organic, there will be no shortage of a market for fresh, dried and pickled produce from off these family Homesteads. Russia exported a lot of organic produce to foreign markets in the 1990s to help a struggling post-perestroika economy. This produce came off the much smaller dachas (600 sq metres). Increased production of organic fruit, vegetables and berries will now be much more possible with the much larger 1 hectare properties (10,000 sq metres).

For more about dachas, please see these two articles:
The Russian "dacha" or "summer house garden plot" - A history

The Russian dacha... A little more history.

The destruction of our Mother ends soon as people all over the world take up these sorts of farming practices once again, in collaboration and as co-creative beings working with each other, achieving what needs to be done. This is not a "step back" in agriculture. This is the way forward...

Humanity has only been destroying our Mother Earth for a few short decades, but what damage has been done. Thankfully, we have not been raping our Mother for centuries, or a come-back to a natural state would take much longer. It has only been a little while that we have forgotten her. Our Motherlands will once again revive and become invigorated once more as she feels the touch of millions of human hands upon her which brings such healing to the Earth - just as Anastasia talks about in The Ringing Cedars books.

You will notice at the beginning of this documentary there are no tractors or heavy machinery being used on the land. This is exactly as Anastasia has told us to do in the books.  Heavy machinery compacts the land and essentially destroys the natural ecosystem of the soil.  On this particular Homestead village, a big job such as making hay is done as a community effort.


These are exactly the same community-driven principles that my parents utilised in New Zealand during the 1960s to carry out big projects on the land, such as make hay, shear sheep or harvest a crop - All such projects would be done in collaboration with all of our neighbours. Once the hay was brought in on one farm, we would move to the next, and so on. Of course, such occasions  would be accompanied with plenty of food, drink and good hospitality. The women would make feasts to take "down the back" to the men and boys working in the summer heat. We used tractor and truck in the 1960s, but even in the 1940s my mother remembers making hay with her parents using a horse and cart.

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