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BEE MUSIC: A response to an expanded heart. Experience - by Vedrus Radomir UK
Extending unconditional love
There are many factors how bees behave in any given hive. Generally if the queen is very good and the bees are happy they won't bother to attack you unless you have an ill intent towards them, because they'll pick that up. There is one particular queen bee (Danish queen) that if you have a hive with that particular queen, you won't even need to wear a bee suit, let alone drown them in smoke. They are ever so gentle and rarely want to sting you. My hive didn't have that queen but I know that they are a happy bunch in their lovingly built hive that they did not have a need to attack and no need for a smoker. Yes, it is important that you don't reek in BO when you get near to them and they don't like black or brown hair either.
I once did an experiment, where I projected unconditional Love towards them on couple of occasions. On the second day when I was doing this, as George was busy sorting the bees on a cluster of hives (me assisting him nearby) hundreds and hundreds of them begun to land on the left side of my body (on the bee suit I was wearing), from my head all the way to my knee. But the most beautiful part of this experience was that they were 'singing' to me. As if, in unison they were singing a chorus of most beautiful melody... Maybe Anastasia was present with me on that day for her Love was overflowing from my heart... Only if there was a way to record that sound. The only way I could describe that is, if Jean-Michel Jarre was an orchestra of bees, that is the sound he probably could make. It was a most incredible experience which I will never forget... When George saw what was happening he could not believe his eyes. He thought I rubbed something on my suit to attract them but of course I did not. I have seen clusters of bees collect on him on some occasions similar to what happened to me but they never made a sound like that ever, or since.

Bee Sound Bees Buzzing 4 Hours
Please play these videos separately or together to re-evoke the sound of the music of the bees that Vedrus Radomir experienced. There seemed to be kind of a singing Radomir said which was different to a normal buzzing. If you turn the volume down on the monochord video opposite to around 50% we might be able to get something of the wonderful experience he had. Radomir's experience reminds me of that scene in the Avatar movie with the white seeds of the sacred tree landing on his arms...
Ensemble-2 - Musical Meditation with Flute, Gong, and Monochord
The flatbed instrument is a Pythagorean monochord. I am surprised that the bees in the video opposite tone perfectly well with this highly accurately tuned Pythagorean instrument - with its highly advanced mathematical precision. Ref: 'the music of the spheres'. Pythagoras' study took him into the field of resonance. Therefore, we should be unsurprised that the tuning of the monochord provides such a wonderful backing track for the music of the bees.
Video opposite: Published on Jan 6, 2016
Sara Mapelli brings new meaning to the term "queen bee" as she dances with a swarm of bees blanketing her body. While wearing the queen of the hive, Mapelli is surrounded by 10,000 bees, creating what she describes as a meditative atmosphere of movement, energy, and sound. Mapelli uses this dance to build awareness of the importance of bees and all of nature and to allow people who are scared of bees to confront their fears. She sees the dance as a tool for healing.

Where do bees live well? - by Egor Litvinov
Bees - small toiler. Since the beginning of life on Earth, and they are to this day, flying from flower to flower, collecting nectar, pollinating plants and trees, thus providing an abundance of food for people, animals and birds.
Every real owner has or wants to have on his farm assistants-bees. But it is a difficult thing (is!) In our technocratic age bees kept mainly in the hive, and the content of this method is very labor and vremyazatraten to humans, and is inconvenient and harmful to bees (get sick and die, they often).
But where bees lived in ancient times in Russia? After Russia-mother provided all of Europe healthful and tasty honey. And keep bees in the board or decks. Board - a hole in the tree where the bees have settled; deck - an imitation of the board, only made it from wood
materials available to man rather than inside timber.
Just over 100 years ago, almost every peasant family had a deck or a board, and now for most modern people, these words are not familiar, almost lost valuable knowledge: how to keep bees in the conditions close to natural, while not spending a lot of effort and get your valuable medicinal honey.
The video opposite shows they style of beehives Anastasia recommends for us to build for our bees. It looks like the hives are in a young forest of cedar trees, so that's interesting too. I'm not sure if I myself would prune the cedars so brutally... but please look past this and enjoy the bees. Commentary in Russian.
And now, in the twenty-first century, we are conscious of the importance of nature, we want to re-establish the lost knowledge. To this end, we decided to once a year to hold rally on Kolodny beekeeping.In 2016, from September 6 to 11 will be held the third annual meeting of Kolodny on beekeeping. At a rally we will create a deck of logs, make a special tool for the creation of your deck and prepare to move in and set one of the decks.
Details in our group: https://new.vk.com/kolodarus
Gathering will be held on the territory of the PDP Svetoruse
More on >> http://www.svetorusye.ru/
We invite everyone who wants to be in co-creation with us, find a useful knowledge and share their experiences - COME !!!
This video invitation from the host of a meeting - Michael Stefanov