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Mother Europa is under pressure -
We can help her stabilise again...

Mother Europa is faced with many difficult challenges right now. She is being attacked simultaneously from many quarters and her children are under great pressure...  However, Anastasia's dream holds the key for Europa and returns both the land and her peoples to their pristine origins. Please feel inspired to learn more about the things that Anastasia teaches. Her plan is working for the Russian people and it also has huge potential to work for the people of Europe.


Please read the material on this website with an open heart, and ask yourself this question: If my government gifted me 1 hectare (2.4 acres) to pass down to generations of my grandchildren after me, and on that land I grow my own food, build myself a comfortable house and develop a business in a friendly village setting with other people just like myself, in what ways would my life be different? These are important questions to ask yourself...


Then, if you think this plan will be good for you and your whole nation, you need to bring these ideas to your politicians. That's what they did in Russia. It took the people slightly over 10 years to lobby their governmentt but finally, the Russian government decided to give it a go. Exactly the same is possible for every country in Europe.  

If you are having some internalised objections to this plan, please ask yourself one question: When you pay for land currently, who makes the money from the purchase of that land? Just think about all the exhorbitant interest repayments you are currently servicing. This is where your hard-earned money is going. If you didn't have to make your payments to service that loan and you had money left over at the end of every week, what would you do with it? That's right. You would spend it on improving your life by buying products and services from retailers and merchants within your own country.  

Who would be getting richer? Your own country would through an increase in consumer spending via taxes on goods and services. It is your country that would get richer not some nameless faces sitting in their high towers of the banking industry. Your country would be free from the tyranny. You could enjoy your family life and develop that little hobby-craft workshop, adventure tourism business or dance or music studio that you've always wanted to set up. Everyone will be much, much happier. The children will be happier.

In the following lists, you will find some of the people who have gone ahead. Connect with them. Figure out how they got onto their land and what their processes were. Very soon, all of Europa will be turned into a Pristine Garden Paradise. It just needs YOU to catch the vision. We all make this change together. We are one human family and we are here to help and support each other. The nightmare can end. We can reclaim our lands and our lives back. We no longer submit to having our backs broken under this debt slavery system.


As Anastasia says:  "Think about it..."

 A list of family homestead settlements in Europe.
Please contact us if you would like your settlement added to this list.

France - 1 settlement

Portugal - 1 settlement

Germany - 2 settlement​s

Italy - 1 settlement

Hungary - 1 settlement

Latvia- 1 settlement

Estonia - 1 settlement

Ukraine - 2 settlements

Belarus - 14 settlements

Khazakhstan - 7 settlements

 ... Settlements in other parts of the world.
Please contact us if you would like your settlement added to this list.

Canada BC - 1 settlement

Japan - 1 homestead

Contacts for these settlements here >>
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