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-  The story of The Ringing Cedars of Russia book series

The story began in 1994 on the bank of the River Ob amidst the endless expanses of the Siberian taiga. The well-known Siberian entrepreneur Vladimir Megre met with two elderly gentlemen who told him about the amazing properties of the Siberian cedar (also known in the West as the Siberian pine ). At first he didn't pay much attention to what they told him, but as he continued to reflect on it, Vladimir began to discover, in the historical and scientific literature he examined, more and more evidence supporting their words. Finally he decided to organize an expedition with a fleet of river steamers. The expedition was ostensibly for commercial purposes, but in actual fact his overriding motivation was to find the elders again and learn more about the secrets of the cedar.

A meeting which changed a life

Having instructed his fleet's captain to maintain their course, Vladimir slipped away by himself at the exact spot where he had met the two elders the previous year. On the riverbank he found a woman waiting for him who turned out to be their granddaughter. She called herself Anastasia . This woman, through the depth of her knowledge, her sincere love and her outlook on the world, was to have a profound influence on Vladimir 's whole life. 
At first he saw her simply as a young attractive woman who, though she appeared quite knowledgeable about modern urban society, seemed to be utterly naive in her aspirations to change that society from her remote location far off in the wilds of Siberia.

Later, however, Vladimir came face to face with certain psychic abilities of Anastasia's which defied explanation, even though they were undeniably real to his perception - inexplicably manifesting themselves in a tragic struggle of virtue against vice which unfolded before his very eyes. He was shaken by fonts scenes somehow presented to him from his not-too-distant past, but from a totally new point of view. Now able to look at his own and others' behaviour more objectively, Vladimir gained a new appreciation of what Anastasia was endeavouring to do, and in an effort to help, he promised to fulfil Anastasia's request and write a book about his experiences.


Upon returning to his home in Novosibirsk , Vladimir made a series of unsuccessful attempts to spread this new outlook on the world among his friends. He went to Moscow and tried to organize a league of pure-minded entrepreneurs - again without success. Finding himself on the edge of an abyss, he finally remembered his promise to Anastasia to write a book, along with her assurance that the book would help many people see the world in a new light and give him the strength to go forward.

Then something incredible happened: without any specialised training, Vladimir Megre launched into writing a series of books which in a very short time became extraordinarily popular, selling in the millions, and would be translated into some twenty languages. Each passing day introduced more and more new readers all over the world to these icons remarkable writings.

The books set forth, in very clear language, profound ideas about the education of children and the importance of communicating with living Nature - ideas ranging from nutrition and health to spirituality and sexual relations. With their practical wisdom on matters of everyday life, the books have become the basis for a number of sociological studies and scholarly papers.

We take pleasure in recommending them to the broadest possible readership.

Article source

Vladimir Megre's official website

NEWS from Russia

April 29, 2016 announcement: "Native party" will take part in parliamentary elections in 2016!

Political party "native party" which was created to promote the idea of ancestral homesteads, decided to take part in the parliamentary elections in September 2016. What makes us participate in the elections? Firstly, it is an opportunity to speak out in the national media about our bright idea. That in turn will provide a new influx of readers, and as a result, people who wish to, move onto their homestead. Second, the campaign will allow us to further unite around our common ideas, which means that there are prerequisites for fruitful and constructive work in this direction. And thirdly, it's time to come out of the shadows, it is time to open. The idea of ancestral homes is so strong and bright that we simply can not push it slowly any longer. 

Vladimir Megre's proposals for stabilizing the political situation of the world.

"Anastasia" is translated into simplified Chinese! 02/11/2016 


Dear friends! We are pleased to announce that the first book - "Anastasia" - translated into Simplified Chinese. We want to congratulate our publisher in China with the work done, as well as all Chinese readers with the opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" in their own language.  

A group of readers from Japan visiting the"Cedar House" for the fourth time. 30/08/2016


Released audiobook "Anastasia" in the Czech language!  19/08/2016

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